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Consent Form for ALL Grief Coaching, and Programs with Pamela Ann Noxon | Liability Release
This form must be completed before any attendance in programs, courses, or coaching communication - beyond setting appointments - can begin.
Client or Student Name
First Name
Last Name
Client, Student, or Guardian's Email
Client, Student, or Guardian's Phone
Parent or Guardian's Name
if client is under 18 years of age
First Name
Last Name
Client or Student's Date of Birth
date of birth for person attending appointment
Client or Student's Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Emergency Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact Phone
Boundaries and Communication with Pamela Ann Noxon
All grief work and sessions are by appointment only and are conducted by video call or sometimes in person. 24 hour cancellation notice is appreciated. Any in-person visits [on site or at Pamela's office] are only scheduled in advance. Initial scheduling can be done by form on website. Rescheduling or sending Pamela any requested information can be done by texting and/or email. Contact info will be sent to you once your appointment is set. Due to the nature of her work Pamela is often not immediately or directly available by telephone or email. When unavailable, you may leave her a message on her confidential voicemail. Pamela makes every effort to return calls promptly. Even though Pamela Ann Noxon is not a psychologist or psychiatrist she does honor the sacredness of all communication in or out of sessions and keeps all information completely private. Pamela reserves the right to break confidentiality if she feels your or another person's safety is in jeopardy. Pamela may record Zoom sessions for reference for future sessions [to avoid taking notes while coaching], if you are uncomfortable with that please let us know before your session. I understand and agree to the boundaries set forth for my grief work with Pamela Ann Noxon.
YES - I understand that all coaching work and sessions are by appointment only and are conducted by video call or in person. 24 hour cancellation notice is appreciated. Scheduling or sending me requested information can be done by texting and/or email. Due to the nature of my work I am often not directly available by telephone. When I am unavailable, you may leave a message on my confidential voicemail. I make every effort to return calls promptly. Even though I am not a psychologist or psychiatrist I do honor the sacredness of our sessions and keep all information completely private. I reserve the right to break confidentiality if I feel your or another person's safety is in jeopardy. I may record our Zoom sessions for my own reference, if you are uncomfortable with that please let me know. I understand and agree to the boundaries set forth for my grief work with Pamela Ann Noxon
Consent and Release of Liability Form Release of Liability [by Client or by Parent or Guardian if client is under 18] I understand that Pamela Ann Noxon is a Grief Coach and Hypnotherapist and that she is not a medical doctor (physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, etc.) and makes no claim to diagnose or offer treatment of disease. I understand that hypnosis is not a replacement for medical treatment, psychological/psychiatric services, or counseling. I also understand that Pamela Ann Noxon does not treat or diagnose any condition and that she is a facilitator of hypnosis. I understand that, while Pamela has my best interests in mind and will offer her guidance where asked, I am responsible for my own well-being and decision making. I also understand that I am responsible for my own interpretations of and reactions to the information presented to me. I understand that the experience of hypnosis is meant to present information that may contribute to mind, body, and spiritual balance and that Pamela is not responsible or liable for the information I receive while under hypnosis. I also understand that Pamela is not responsible my interpretations of the information or the decisions I make based on the information. I understand that I am responsible for my own judgment and that all participation, interpretations, and decisions are my own. I understand there are some conditions for which hypnosis is not a good fit and should not be utilized by the client. These conditions include (and are not limited to): Schizophrenia, pathological personalities, psychosis (including substance induced), senility, dementia, brain trauma, cognitive deficiencies, epilepsy, narcolepsy, bi-polar, clinical depression, suicidal tendencies, serious heart conditions, extremely high/low blood pressure, elderly/frail, substance abuse, and/or currently taking medications/substances that cause drowsiness. I understand that if I am, in any way, unsure if hypnosis would be a good fit for me, that it is best to consult my medical doctor prior to participating in hypnosis. Also, if pregnant (especially in the first or second trimester), I will also consult my medical doctor prior to participating in hypnosis. I understand that by signing this document, I am accepting full responsibility for monitoring my health for this and any future group and/or individual hypnosis sessions. Should any of the aforementioned conditions present themselves in the future, I understand and agree that I shall not participate in any future sessions without first consulting with and receiving expressed consent from my health care provider. I have read and understand the above Release of Liability agreement. By my signature I consent to this agreement.
I understand that Pamela Ann Noxon is a Grief Coach and Hypnotherapist and that she is not a medical doctor (physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, etc.) and makes no claim to diagnose or offer treatment of disease. I understand that hypnosis is not a replacement for medical treatment, psychological/psychiatric services, or counseling. I also understand that Pamela Ann Noxon does not treat or diagnose any condition and that she is a facilitator of hypnosis. I understand that, while Pamela has my best interests in mind and will offer her guidance where asked, I am responsible for my own well-being and decision making. I also understand that I am responsible for my own interpretations of and reactions to the information presented to me. I understand that the experience of hypnosis is meant to present information that may contribute to mind, body, and spiritual balance and that Pamela is not responsible or liable for the information I receive while under hypnosis. I also understand that Pamela is not responsible my interpretations of the information or the decisions I make based on the information. I understand that I am responsible for my own judgment and that all participation, interpretations, and decisions are my own. I understand there are some conditions for which hypnosis is not a good fit and should not be utilized by the client. These conditions include (and are not limited to): Schizophrenia, pathological personalities, psychosis (including substance induced), senility, dementia, brain trauma, cognitive deficiencies, epilepsy, narcolepsy, bi-polar, clinical depression, suicidal tendencies, serious heart conditions, extremely high/low blood pressure, elderly/frail, substance abuse, and/or currently taking medications/substances that cause drowsiness. I understand that if I am, in any way, unsure if hypnosis would be a good fit for me, that it is best to consult my medical doctor prior to participating in hypnosis. Also, if pregnant (especially in the first or second trimester), I will also consult my medical doctor prior to participating in hypnosis. I understand that by signing this document, I am accepting full responsibility for monitoring my health for this and any future group and/or individual hypnosis sessions. Should any of the aforementioned conditions present themselves in the future, I understand and agree that I shall not participate in any future sessions without first consulting with and receiving expressed consent from my health care provider. I have read and understand the above Release of Liability agreement. By my signature I consent to this agreement.
Consent for Hypnosis and Grief Coaching [by Client or by Parent or Guardian if client is under 18]
Consent and Release of Liability Form Release of Liability [by Client or by Parent or Guardian if client is under 18] I understand that Pamela Ann Noxon is a Grief Coach and Hypnotherapist and that she is not a medical doctor (physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, etc.) and makes no claim to diagnose or offer treatment of disease. I understand that hypnosis is not a replacement for medical treatment, psychological/psychiatric services, or counseling. I also understand that Pamela Ann Noxon does not treat or diagnose any condition and that she is a facilitator of hypnosis. I understand that, while Pamela has my best interests in mind and will offer her guidance where asked, I am responsible for my own well-being and decision making. I also understand that I am responsible for my own interpretations of and reactions to the information presented to me. I understand that the experience of hypnosis is meant to present information that may contribute to mind, body, and spiritual balance and that Pamela is not responsible or liable for the information I receive while under hypnosis. I also understand that Pamela is not responsible my interpretations of the information or the decisions I make based on the information. I understand that I am responsible for my own judgment and that all participation, interpretations, and decisions are my own. I understand there are some conditions for which hypnosis is not a good fit and should not be utilized by the client. These conditions include (and are not limited to): Schizophrenia, pathological personalities, psychosis (including substance induced), senility, dementia, brain trauma, cognitive deficiencies, epilepsy, narcolepsy, bi-polar, clinical depression, suicidal tendencies, serious heart conditions, extremely high/low blood pressure, elderly/frail, substance abuse, and/or currently taking medications/substances that cause drowsiness. I understand that if I am, in any way, unsure if hypnosis would be a good fit for me, that it is best to consult my medical doctor prior to participating in hypnosis. Also, if pregnant (especially in the first or second trimester), I will also consult my medical doctor prior to participating in hypnosis. I understand that by signing this document, I am accepting full responsibility for monitoring my health for this and any future group and/or individual hypnosis sessions. Should any of the aforementioned conditions present themselves in the future, I understand and agree that I shall not participate in any future sessions without first consulting with and receiving expressed consent from my health care provider. I have read and understand the above Release of Liability agreement. By my signature I consent to this agreement.
I give my consent for Hypnosis and Grief Coaching [by Client or by Parent or Guardian if client is under 18] I consent to participate in the process of grief coaching and hypnosis, with Pamela Ann Noxon. I understand that hypnosis can involve the use of techniques such as progressive relaxation, meditation, guided imagery, as well as other helpful methods. As a part of hypnosis, clients are encouraged to recall events, circumstances, behaviors, thoughts, and feelings from prior situations in their life experience. I understand that clients vary greatly in their response to the relaxation and hypnotic process, with some clients experiencing powerful images and recollections, and others experiencing relatively little. Additionally, I am aware that the images and recollections experienced during hypnosis may be a combination of real, imagined, and/or modified memories. I also understand that certain memories and images experienced during hypnosis may represent traumatic events which can invoke intense emotional reactions. These emotionally charged images are often quite useful for facilitating insight and understanding; however, such powerful experiences can nonetheless be emotionally challenging for some clients. I also understand that during the session, my practitioner may gently touch me on the forehead, shoulder, and/or wrist or other areas of my body, as an anchoring/focus/relaxation technique and that Pamela will get my verbal consent prior to each touch. My signature below signifies that I have reviewed the above paragraphs, understand the principal characteristics of hypnosis, and agree to participate in this procedure. Furthermore, I understand that if at any time I become uncomfortable and/or unwilling to proceed with the hypnosis process, that I can request to stop the process and the hypnotic portion of the session will cease immediately.
Digital Signature for Consent and Liability Release [Parent or Guardian if client is under 18 years of age]
Consent and Release of Consent and Release of Liability [by Client or by Parent or Guardian if client is under 18]
Thank you!